Sunday, November 12, 2017

Nationalism of Dasrathi

Nationalism  of Dasrathi

Flight DL5720

ଉତ୍କଳୀ କହେ ନୀଳାଚଳେ ଆମ ଭେଦା ଭେଦ କିଛି ନାହିଁ | ସନ୍ତାନ ଆମେ ଭାରତ ମାତାର, ସଭିଏଁ ଭଉଣୀ ଭାଇ |

“An Odiya says that in Nilachal (Puri Town), where the deity of Odiyas, Sri Jaganath is worshiped, there is no discrimination. Everybody is the son or daughter of Mother India, so we are all brothers and sisters”.

It was a powerful poetry for Dasrathi in his elementary school. The poetry described, how  1Odiya     people think all Indians are brothers and sisters as the children of Mother India, while 2Gujarati was boasting to own Mahatma Gandhi, 3Marathi was boasting for Chatrapati Sivaji and 4Rajasthai bosting for being great decedents of Maha Rana Pratap and 5Panjabis for a brave community with vast sacrifice for mother India.  Once he visited 6Puri  on the occasion of annual public bathing ceremony of Sri Jaganath and was thrilled to witness the majestic  walk of the God from a proximity and it all made sense why here all Indians are brothers and sisters. Dasrathi did not feel his poverty, even though they did not have money to eat food of their choice and lived with dry rice pallets his father carried from home. Few years later, as Dasrathi moved to a small town from his village, he realized that he is a bit inferior compared to his friends and must learn how to dress properly to claim their equals. Later, when he met some people from central part of the province, it became clear that people of his region  are lesser mortals. Still, he thought maybe one day people will recognize their siblings and embrace them. Or, maybe people elsewhere would be with broader mind to consider their brothers and sisters of Bharat Mata (Mother India). In the meantime Dasrathi became busy and moved to north for higher studies.

As he came to an university in north, the head of the department, where he wanted to study, was generous and made arrangements for joining the department and comfortable  living. While travelling by train, he met an old man from Punjab with turban, who guided him how to change the train in New Delhi Railway station. Dasrathi wanted to join M.Phil course in the same university after completing two years of MSc course. Most of the seats reserved for the students of Haryana Domicile. Head of the Sanskrit Department, who was impressed on watching Dasrathi performing Ganesh Puja with proper pronounce of 6Mantras, asked him to meet the district commissioner, who was his old student to get the necessary certificate.  As Dasrathi, visited Commissioners home, he was offered tea and light snakes besides getting the domicile certificate. Next day when he took another student of the native born, the commissioner was annoyed and refused to oblige.  But, Dasrathi’s faith in nationhood deepened and he was sure of the fact that all Indians are brothers and sisters and he belongs to this great community. 

Few days later while working for PhD in premium institute, it was clear to Dasrathi that he is really from an inferior breed. His friends from south actually boasted how great movies are made there. On one occasion, he even heard from them how little culturally in the form of movie making comes from Odissa. And, actually that was true. While attending a national science conference, Dasrahi over heard from a prominent leader of science, Dr. Srinivasan, that the real genius people in scientific research are from West Bangal and Tami Nadu. All others are marginal. As he analyzed, he became convenienced that his community produced very little scientist, poets, writers and leaders. He is actually a lesser breed. While, that could be true, at the same time, he was doing fine in the institute, even better than people from the states of better breed. His PhD supervisor gave an impression that Dasrathi is as good or some times better than many of his peers. In the meantime, he was exposed to international community. So, he decided to show his talent to people of other countries or other nations, who may not know that he is from a lesser breed in his home nation.

Dasrathi proudly travelled to Germany, after completing PhD to pursue Post Doctoral work. As he came across many people of his nation, it was clear that most are miserable compared to their white counter part! Most detested their native place and tried to live in the west if possible. One day, while waiting for the bus, he met a young, healthy individual from Punjab, who was seeking asylum. Dasrathi was curious to know the hardship he went through in his great native place. It was surprising to find that,  the complains were just hoax to get an opportunity to stay in this great land! Even with less pleasant experience in the home nation, Dasrathi wanted to be back to live with his parents and people of similar type. After a couple of years,  he received two letters from a colleague of his PhD advisor to join his institute to build a research group. He decided to return to motherland and if possible contribute like Jawahar Lal Nehru and many others!

Dasrathi returned to join a newly built Astronomy Center in middle of the country. He was under impression that getting trained in a western institute of repute, his native background would be overlooked and he would be accepted like others. Before joining the institute, Dasrathi was promised and independent accommodation, which he did not get. He was disgusted and decided to appeal to the dean, who was from Rajasthan – a worrier breed of superior type. The Dean told him, “being an ordinary post-doctoral fellow, who does not even have a future after couple of years, what more you want!! You should thank us for having some accommodation that many people in this nation would be fortunate to have.” Quickly, Dasrathi realized that he is talking to a worrier class, superior to his own. As another senior professor from north came to know about it, he sympathized Dasrathi and advised to appeal to the institute director. Being aware of his root, poor Dasrathi decided to leave the institute to join his parent institute, where he completed his PhD.

His parent institute, where he completed PhD belonged to Space Department of the nation, and Dasrathi was well-known to most people, including the head of organization.  He had a happy life both academically and personally for many years. Once again, he started feeling the belonging to a great nation. Once, while presenting the astronomy facilities at an conference in France, organized by United Nations, he used a digital map of his country where the western boarder was shown as disputed with dashed lines. Following him, his Pakisthani colleague Prof. Faruki showed a map in which he drew the map with a pen showing the entire Kashmir belonging to them. Dasrathi joked, “Faruki Sahab, you have taken the entire Kashmir by the stroke of a pen. At least you should have left SriNagar for us.” Faruki 7sahab, said, Dasrathiji, you can return to your great country, where people are broad minded, even after showing such a map. But, I cannot!”. Truly, Dasrathi was proud to have heard this. He thought how great a nation he belongs to. Few years later, as Dasrathi mingled with adult people of the society, he realized that may be he does not belong to the community, since their food habit, political views and social set up is completely different. He tried hard to prove them, that he is a  devout Hindu, but eats meet, adores, freedom fighters and finds fault with all of them. Despite his desperate effort, he could only partially integrate to the society in Rajasthan, that after all produced many brave worriers unlike his own community.

On another occasion, he travelled to Bejing, China with travel support from Third World Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Sciences. On arriving in Beijing, he found that there is a problem with his air ticket and might cause trouble on return journey. He went to the embassy to seek help and met the science attaché.  On their first meeting the officer asked, if their trip is an government official trip. On learning the contrary, the attaché said, although it is not from the government office, he would do his best to help. The tone was somewhat uncomfortable. Dasrathi said, the president of his nation requests all people of the world to help without any reservation. Being his employ, the officer is actually duty bound to offer help. The officer laughed and they enjoyed together. Later an officer from a press organization invited them for lunch in their home and broadcast his interview on the eve of the visit of the vice president of his country! That gave a belongingness to a great nation, even though the embassy officer was less than perfect.

Few years later, Dasrathi came to United States for work and came across a community of people from his native region, who spoke same language and followed same customs. It was after about more than two and half decades he had this opportunity. He thought, now he belongs to this community of his own. But, in the meantime, he lost touch with most of the customs and even lost fluency of his own native language! His little son, did not even speak Odiya. But, he certainly enjoyed their company, even though, his son had a hard time learning the language, at least speaking part. The American colleagues, without knowing  that Dasrathi belongs to a lesser community of his nation, treated him like equals. Dasrathi started feeling comfortable here. Some years later, Dasrathi returned to his mother land to build some great facility. After spending few years, he left his beloved nation. By this time, the nationhood was of not much meaning as he hardly contributed to enrich his motherland.

Many years later,  Dasrathi approached a famous scientist, Dr. Lal, of his country to congratulate him on the occasion of being elected as a fellow of a prestigious society. After enquiring the wellbeing of Dasrathi, Dr. Lal said, there is a special pleasure to work for your own land! Dasrathi wondered, what relevant Dr. Lal’s work has to the motherland? The work will have an affiliation to a geographical location and belong to all humanity anyway.

Dasrathi has now seen east, west, Japan, China, Europe and America. Many people accept him as one of them, some don’t. When, asked a famous colleague of his field of research, they gave him all the support and accepted as one of them. Many times in his own home nation, he was rejected and felt miserable. Nationhood became an ill-defined word. If geographically confined, he only belongs to the little village or town where he spent the childhood. But, he cannot earn a livelihood living there. If he adores Bharat Mata (Mother India), what happens to his Utkal Janani (mother Odissa)? He started thinking, his forefathers got freedom from English Speaking people, not to have another royal language. If he has to adopt something else, other than what his mother understands, may be it should be more powerful and that matter in world stage. He thought, only those who cannot earn for themselves, motivate others to become territorial that might give an earning!

Lord of the Universe comes to hug people.

Recently, he visited Nilachal (Puri, Odissa) to see his God coming to millions of people to identify Him as one of them. When, his God, the Lord of the Universe (Jaganath) ascended to the chariot witnessed by millions on the grand road, he reflected, will He not listen to those, who call him in another name, for example Ala? Will he not listen to those, who happen to live in a geographically different location, say in Europe or Australia or in another planet? Dasrathi actually felt, the God he is witnessing belongs to all thing in the universe, and if there are people in a planet in a remote galaxy, they also own this God! When God was comfortable on the chariot in the evening,  Dasrathi felt, He smiling and reassuring him of the idea that He actually is the Lord of the Universe and can be geographically confined. For Him there is no such thing as nationhood. He just happened to be here at this time!

1-5: People of different provinces - Odisha, Gujarat, Maharastra, Rajasthan and Punjab.
6: Sentences in Sanskrit that can be understood by the Hindu Gods.
7sahab: A respected way of addressing an individual.